Those red lights whirring behind us on the highway can mean one of two things, either an ambulance is coming up fast and on its way to a person in need, or a cop is in pursuit of our sheepish lead foot.

Most of the time it is easy to be angry at the law for unapologetically handing over that long yellow piece of paper, we grumble and make excuses. Often I have to remind myself that their job is not only to protect me, but everyone else on the road as well.

There is an entire movement in government to inform the average driver about the dangers of riding unsecured.

The “Click It or Ticket” campaign provides a pretty explicit explanation of why we should wear seat belts:

Buckling up is your best bet to prevent serious injury or death in a crash. Crashes where the victims aren’t wearing safety belts can be deadly. People who aren’t buckled up are often thrown out of their car or truck, and sometimes the vehicle rolls over them.
Learn more about the movement for safe drivers here.